I need to format a floating point number to x characters (6 in my case including the decimal point). My output also needs to include the sign of the number
So given the inputs, here are the expected outputs
1.23456 => +1.2345
-12.34567 => -12.345
-0.123456 => -0.1234
1234.567 => +1234.5
Please assume there is always a decimal place before the last character. I.e. there will be no 12345.6
number input - the input will always be less than or equal to 9999.9
I'm thinking this has to be done conditionally.
Here's a transparent way to do it without format strings (except for "F"):
static void Main()
double y = 1.23456;
y= -12.34567;
y = -0.123456;
y = 1234.567;
y = 0.00000234;
y = 1.1;
public string FormatNumDigits(double number, int x) {
string asString = (number >= 0? "+":"") + number.ToString("F50",System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
if (asString.Contains('.')) {
if (asString.Length > x + 2) {
return asString.Substring(0, x + 2);
} else {
// Pad with zeros
return asString.Insert(asString.Length, new String('0', x + 2 - asString.Length));
} else {
if (asString.Length > x + 1) {
return asString.Substring(0, x + 1);
} else {
// Pad with zeros
return asString.Insert(1, new String('0', x + 1 - asString.Length));
Notice that it does not chop off trailing zeros.