I'm having a little trouble getting the nav element to truly behave like a block element. I tried making a menu out of nav and a tags instead of the usual ul and li tags. That did not go as planned. My menus show up after each other as if the display:block css have no effect. I'd like to get the menus to stack, not show up after each other.
<nav id="mainmenu">
<a href="#">Item1</a>
<a href="#">Item2</a>
<a href="#">Item3</a>
<nav id="submenu">
<a href="#">Item1</a>
<a href="#">Item2</a>
<a href="#">Item3</a>
The CSS:
display: block;
This is how I'd like it to be setup but I'd prefer to float the a element so I don't get the spacing issue with inline-block.
I still don't understand why floating the a tag makes all a tags show up inline when the nav element is block?
If I unfloat the a tag they align correct but I lose the padding on top and bottom of the a tag. If I add display:block to correct that all a tags stack on top of eachother. If try to correct that with a float:left the show up inline.
Inline-block on the a tag seems to fix it but then I get the spacing issue instead.
Is there a way to stack the nav elements and float the a elements and still preserve the padding to the a element?
EDITED: *(after adding more details by OP)*
By using inline-block
if you set font-size:0px;
in nav
(the main container having inline-block
elements) then you will not get the extra spacing causing by inline-block
Without adding font-size:0px;
in nav
it will look like this:
you need to add overflow:hidden
and a width
to prevent your nav
element to be float.
See the changes in your CSS below:
nav {
display: block;
overflow:hidden; /* Added */
width: 100%; /* Added */
nav a {
float: left;
padding: 2em;