I'm trying to use JCarousel widget on Yii framework.
My JCarousel must show images of specific user that belong to a specific gallery (for that user). I retrieve the information about the images from a MySQL DB, in the specific from Photos table, where gallery_id have a determined value. The column from Photos table that contain the name of the photos is "path".
In the code I have written this:
$DataProvider = new CActiveDataProvider('Photos', array('criteria'=>array(
'condition'=>'gallery_id = :id',
$this->widget('ext.JCarousel.JCarousel', array(
'dataProvider' => $DataProvider,
'thumbUrl' => '"/images/upload/".$data->id."_".$data->path',
'imageUrl' => '"/images/upload/".$data->id."_".$data->path',
'target' => 'big-gallery-item',
'vertical' => false,
With this code I get, on the div, the written message: "No result find"
Where I did i go wrong?
and check that you photos exists.I do not think that the error in the extension, most likely you do not select data from the database.