I an working on a project for an Introductory Programming class so I'm using basic javascript. This is our first project with functions and for some reason I can't seem to make it work. I called all my variables and created the function before the program starts but for some reason it skips over running the function in my program. Any help would be appreciated.
This is just the beginning of my program, I don't wanna write the rest of the code until I figure out why this part is broken, thats why the program doesn't do anything but close the window if it doesnt pass the tests.
// 1 Declare Variables
var numTrees;
var counter = 0;
var answer = "no";
function treeFunction(answer, counter, numTrees) {
while (answer == "no" && counter < 3) {
if (numTrees == 5, 10) {
answer = "yes";
} else if (numTrees < 5 || numTrees > 10) {
alert("That is an incorrect value.\nThe sample size should be less than 5 or greater than 10.\nPlease try again.");
answer = "no";
numTrees = prompt("Please reenter the amount of trees in your sample.");
counter + 1;
if (answer == "no") {
alert("You have entered an incorrect number too many times.\nThe Program will now end.");
window.open('', '_self', '');
} else if (answer == "yes") {
// 2 Prompt the Instructor for the number of Trees
numTrees = prompt("How many trees are in your sample?");
alert("You have entered: " + numTrees);
treeFunction(answer, counter, numTrees)
document.write(numTrees); {
document.write("<br/> <br/>" + "End of Program.");
What you want is something more like this:
if (numTrees < 5 || numTrees > 10) {
alert("That is an incorrect value.\nThe sample size should be less than 5 or greater than 10.\nPlease try again.");
answer = "no";
numTrees = prompt("Please reenter the amount of trees in your sample.");
counter + 1;
} else {
answer = "yes";