I am using Eclipse, I created stubs using AXis2, I need to create object in my Java class, so I need to create a ConfigurationContext
to call created object from stubs, I have constructor as below:
public ZLOGIN_USERStub(org.apache.axis2.context.ConfigurationContext configurationContext)
throws org.apache.axis2.AxisFault {
this(configurationContext,"http://smesrv1.spartaconsulting.com:8008/sap/bc/srt/rfc/sap/zlogin_user/100/zlogin_user/zlogin_user" );
For this I need to pass configurationContext
, I don't know how to do this. Could you help me with this?
Was that function generated for you by Axis2? You can pass null
for the configuration context, and Axis2 will use a context that it creates on its own. In fact, if you'll examine the other stub constructors, you should find a one-argument constructor which takes a String target endpoint. That constructor uses null for the configuration context.