Is there a valid class Type variable that can be used with the instanceof
operator? For Example:
String s = "abc";
Class<?> classType = String.class;
if (s instanceof classType) {
//do something
as an alternative to this:
if (s.getClass() == classType) {
//do something
Would there be any performance benefit?
What you're doing is not actually the same. Consider what happens with subclasses (I know you can't subclass String
, so in the String
case it doesn't matter).
class A {}
class B extends A {}
B b = new B();
b instanceof A // true
b.getClass() == A.class // false
If you have an object and you want to know if it is an instanceof a certain type and you have the Class
object, you can use the Class#isInstance
In either case, I expect performance differences to be insignificant.