I'm trying to develop a dynamic query builder for days. But I'm having a problem with building it.
What I'm reviving is a json like this.
{"category":"Case Law","query":{"AND":{"Year":{"having":"","exact":"","any":"","none":""},"AND":{"Report":{"having":"","exact":"","any":"","none":""},"Citation":{"having":"","exact":"","any":"","none":""}}}}}
Here is it in much readable way
[category] => Case Law
[query] => Array
[OR] => Array
[Year] => Array
[having] => some
[exact] => values
[any] => might
[none] => have
[AND] => Array
[Report] => Array
[having] =>
[exact] =>
[any] =>
[none] =>
[Citation] => Array
[having] =>
[exact] =>
[any] =>
[none] =>
It must be something like this(What I need)
(Year:another values OR (Report:some valeus AND Citation:some valeues))
I tried with Jettison library and used DefaultMutableTreeNode to create the tree structure . But it didn't work as I expected.Then i tried whit recursive functions and it also didn't worked
I want to is it possible to create this kind of thing. If yes how to do.
Your attempt is highly appreciated! Thanks in advance.
The JSON String for you query
Ok. This is what i tried.
(Year:another values OR (Report:some valeus AND Citation:some valeues AND Field: another))
should be something like :
String json =
if The MYOperator enum is :
public enum MyOperator {
public String toString() {
return ":";
and AtomicOperation Is
public class AtomicOperation {
Object lhs;
Object rhs;
MyOperator operator;
AtomicOperation(Object lhs,MyOperator operator, Object rhs) {
this.lhs = lhs;
this.rhs = rhs;
this.operator = operator;
public Object getLhs() {
return lhs;
public void setLhs(Object lhs) {
this.lhs = lhs;
public Object getRhs() {
return rhs;
public void setRhs(Object rhs) {
this.rhs = rhs;
public MyOperator getOperator() {
return operator;
public void setOperator(MyOperator operator) {
this.operator = operator;
public String toString() {
return "(" + lhs.toString() + " " + operator.toString() + " " + rhs.toString() + ")";
Then You can Build the necessary AtomicOperation Object using the below code
AtomicOperation _r = deriveFromJSON(ConvertJsonToObject.getFromJSON(json,AtomicOperation.class));
Below is the complete ConvertJsonToObject class
public class ConvertJsonToObject {
private static Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().create();
public static final <T> T getFromJSON(String json, Class<T> clazz) {
return gson.fromJson(json, clazz);
public static final <T> String toJSON(T clazz) {
return gson.toJson(clazz);