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Re-importing existing clearcase view created on XP into RationalClearcase client on Windows7

I have already created my project views from the Rational Clearcase Client on XP machine. Due to some reason I need to format my machine and I have installed Windows 7. Now my problem is, I already have the existing folders of the views created on XP. How do I re-import it so it will be shown in my Clearcase Navigator on Windows 7 machine?


  • In the OP jaychapani 's case (ClearCase Remote client):

    The view storage for a "web view" is by definition on the CCRC server (so not on the client)

    See " How to reconstruct a CCRC view copy area after an unintentional deletion"
    (the equivalent of a snapshot view directory is called, in CCRC, "view copy area")

    A situation may occur where a developer unintentionally deletes a copy area and there is no backup.
    The Web view still exists on the CM server and the view tag still exists in the ClearCase registry.

    There is no way to perform such recovery completely from the CCRC graphical user interface (GUI).

    1. Determine the View Tag (you can run cleartool lsview -l on the Web server: ask your ClearCase admin)
    2. Create a new copy area (for example: D:\Webviews\<VIEWTAG>)
    3. Create a .copyarea.dat file in the root of the above directory
      Refer to technote 1119280 About the .copyarea.dat and .copyarea.db files for further details about this file.
      a. Copy a .copyarea.dat file from another (known good) copy area into the root of the new copy area
      b. Remove the "READONLY" and "HIDDEN" file attributes from that file.
    4. Determine the UUID of the webview <VIEWTAG>.
      You can get the UUID by running a cleartool lsview -l on the Web server (again, ask your ClearCase admin).
    5. Modify the .copyarea.dat in the root of the new copy area.
      If it was from a copy, modify the UUID and also the name of the <WEBVIEW> including its hexadecimal length field; modify also the name of the VOB root directory.
      The timestamp in .copyarea.dat file does not need to be modified.
    6. Remove the view tag from the .ccase_wvreg file.
      Refer to technote1228258 About the CCRC .ccase_wvreg file for further details about this file.
    7. Use CCRC GUI to perform "Add existing view".
    8. Perform a Refresh->Repair->Discordance.
      This repairs the content of the view.

    Original answer, for a full ClearCase installation

    If depends where the view storage of your (snapshot) view is stored.

    If the view storage isn't stored on your local computer, you can simply re-create the root directory of your snapshot view and use "" script found in <cc-home-dir>\etc\utils to regenerate the view.dat hidden file.

    See "Clearcase - Find out when view was created" for more on that tool.

    From that path, you can type clearexplorer . (note the space and the '.' dot), and you will see your view back in the ClearCase Explorer. Update it and you will find back its content.

    If you had saved your snapshot view before formatting (including the hidden file view.dat), this is even easier: go the root path of that view and type clearexplorer .: your view will be back.