how could I use ESAPI to check for unsafe input texts in web forms ? My application is built using struts 1.X, so I assume the validations should be added to Actions classes. Any samples / tutorials you recommend ? Thanks.
For something as specific as that there is not usually going to be great tutorials out.
Hopefully I am wrong about this, but I would have to suggest their wiki due to lack of good resources.
I was looking to find input validation for you... seems they don't even have that up themselves. I coudn't find any information on it either. The videos below might have it or I would email them if it provides no real good answer. They should be able to put you in the right direction... and if you do that do us all a favor and demand they update their wiki!
Email: (Leader, owner)
Since that email doesn't look right though I would also check this one.
Email: (Owner, coder of crypto libs)
Their are these youtube video's that might help. They even mention that their are not a lot of good resources to teach you how to use ESAPI, but said they hope to fix that in these four videos.
Hope it helped!