I am sending email using apache-commons-logging.jar. I am able to send html email successfully, but few people are getting Your email client does not support HTML messages message in their mail. The following is the code sample -
HtmlEmail htmlEmail = new HtmlEmail();
htmlEmail.addTo(email, "demo1@sample.com");
htmlEmail.setFrom("demo2@sample.com", "Demo2");
htmlEmail.setSubject("Subject Line");
String msg = "<html>Hi Demo1,";
msg += "<br><br> A very warm Welcome";
msg += "</html>";
// set the alternative message
htmlEmail.setTextMsg("Your email client does not support HTML messages");
// send the email
I am not understanding how to resolve this problem.
Please Gurus help me.
Thanks in advance.
Likely you are using Commons Email and not Commons Logging to send e-mails.
It is expected that those who configured their e-mail client to prefer text, actually do see the text instead of HTML. Only thing what you as a sender can do is to write more meaningful plain text message.