Is there any way to force Maven to use remote artifacts and not those installed on your machine? since I worry about runtime errors and not compilation errors build server is not valid option.
P.S. I know I could delete or rename the .m2 folder, but I bet there is some more clever way of doing this. Maybe some plugin or special command param?
Having no local repository would mean your classpath consisting almost entirely of URLs on remote servers. I can't see why this would be supported as execution would be awful, and any dropped connection would result in classloader issues. Having a local repository ensures the jars are available before compilation/execution begins.
Also consider that WAR and EAR projects (and many using the dependency plugin) rely on downloading the jars to complete their packaging. There would be a huge overhead if these had to be retrieved from a remote repository on every build. I'm pretty sure the managers of central would not be keen on dealing with that load.
Some alternatives for you to consider:
For more details on LATEST and RELEASE, see section of the Maven book.
If you use an internal repository manager (obligatory Nexus and Artifactory references here), the overhead of purging the local repository is greatly reduced - you'll just have an increased local network traffic load.