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Factorial of a number using events in C#

I made a Windows Forms application that calculates the factorial of a number. All is fine, but now I have to do it using events. The concept of events is new to me and I've been trying to make it work for the past three days to no avail.

I have the form:

public partial class Form1 : Form

    public Form1()

    ... some function declarations...

    //public event EventHandler ProgressBarChanged;

    public int OnProgressBarChanged()
        return progressBar1.Value;

    public void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        label3.Visible = false;
        int wait_time = telltime();
        int number = reading();

        Facto mth;

        if (checkBox1.Checked && checkBox2.Checked)
            mth = new Facto(label3, wait_time, progressBar1);
        else if(checkBox1.Checked==false && checkBox2.Checked)
            mth = new Facto(label3,wait_time);
        else if (checkBox1.Checked && checkBox2.Checked == false)
            checkBox1.Checked = false;
            mth = new Facto();
            mth = new Facto();

        mth.Subs += new Eventhandler(OnProgressBarChanged); // Error. I don't understand why

        int result = mth.Factorial(number);

        string display = result.ToString();

        label3.Visible = true;

        label3.Text = display;

And the Facto class:

public class Facto
    public event EventHandler Subs;

    System.Windows.Forms.Label label_for_output;
    int wait_time;
    System.Windows.Forms.ProgressBar bar;

    public Facto()


    public Facto(System.Windows.Forms.Label l, int time)
        label_for_output = l;
        wait_time = time;

    public int Factorial(int number_to_calculate)
        int Result;

        if (Subs != null)
            Subs(this, new EventArgs());

        if (number_to_calculate == 0)
            return 1;
            Result = (number_to_calculate * Factorial(number_to_calculate - 1));
            if (label_for_output != null)
                label_for_output.Visible = true;
                label_for_output.Text = Result.ToString();

            return Result;


The event should be triggered when the recursive function calls itself. When the event is triggered progressbar1.value from Form1 should be incremented with 1 (it should also decrement when it comes back from recursion, but I'm more interested in getting it to work first).

How can I fix this?

It's really confusing to me and I can only find examples which show messages or are very badly explained.


  • You have this error because your method signature are not equal: .NET assumes that you have public int OnProgressBarChanged() as

    public void OnProgressBarChanged(object o, EventArgs e);

    This is a standart signature of all .net events. First parameter - is object, that raised the event. Second parameter is event data. You can create your custom class, inherited from EventErgs to pass data to event handler