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ScrolledWindow and wx.EVT_LEAVE_WINDOW

I have a frame with a textctrl. When the mouse enters the textctrl (EVT_ENTER_WINDOW) I show a PopupWindow on top of the textctrl, and when the mouse leaves the popup (EVT_LEAVE_WINDOW) I hide it again.

Everything works fine, except when inside the PopupWindow there's a ScrolledWindow with shown scrollbars. The EVT_LEAVE_WINDOW gets fired when I move the mouse on top of a scrollbar, so it looks like wxPython thinks the scrollbars are not part of the scrolledwindow.. :/ I tried binding the event to the popup or the scrollwindow itself, but nothing changes.. Is there a way I could get around this?

Many thanks!

(wxPython on Xubuntu 8.10)


  • Robin Dunn told me: "the same thing would happen with any other widgets that are on the scrolled window, just as the frame will get a EVT_LEAVE_WINDOW when the mouse moves into the scrolled window (assuming some portion of the frame was visible so it could have received an enter window event too)"