I have a panel placed inside a webpart which holds a chart . The title of the webpart zone is Untitled[0],Untitled[1]....There is no title tag in the panel control or web part . Any one know how to solve this .
Try with this:
<asp:WebPartZone Height="100px" Width="75%" runat="server"
ID="productSummaryZone" HeaderText="Product summary">
<uc:ProductSummary title="Product summary title" runat="server" ID="productSummary" />
HeaderText="Product summary"
. This header is used to identify your web part when you are in edit, design mode or connect mode (this is not the title)
<uc:ProductSummary title="Product summary title" runat="server" ID="productSummary" />
. This represents a UserControl
in this case, and this was added in the ZoneTemplate
, as you can see, you can pass a title="..."
to your UserControl
even when you do not have declared a property with that name, the WebPart
then uses that property to display the title... kinda tricky