Just wondering about naming and packaging conventions for:
thufir@dur:~/NetBeansProjects/USENET$ tree src/
│ └── persistence.xml
├── net
│ └── bounceme
│ └── dur
│ └── usenet
│ ├── controller
│ │ ├── CommentsDefaultListModel.java
│ │ ├── GroupDefaultListModel.java
│ │ ├── MessageBean.java
│ │ └── MessagesDefaultListModel.java
│ ├── model
│ │ ├── Articles.java
│ │ ├── NewsgroupsArticles.java
│ │ ├── Newsgroups.java
│ │ ├── PropertiesReader.java
│ │ └── Usenet.java
│ └── swing
│ ├── Comments.form
│ ├── Comments.java
│ ├── Groups.form
│ ├── Groups.java
│ ├── MainFrame.form
│ ├── MainFrame.java
│ ├── Messages.form
│ ├── Messages.java
│ ├── PanelWithTabs.form
│ └── PanelWithTabs.java
└── usenet.properties
8 directories, 21 files
In the swing package I put Swing GUI classes, except for "model" type Swing classes. They seem kinda different from JPane's, so I put the MessagesDefaultListModel
into the controller package, because it's not really a model, per se, at least to my thinking, because it grabs data from the "model" package. So, even though MessagesDefaultListModel
is a model for a JList, I see it more as a controller.
, Articles
and NewsgroupsArticles
are @Entity classes, so I put them into the model package. These entities correspond with tables newsgroups
, articles
and newsgroups_articles
Is this a sane packaging and naming?
I usually prefer having a first functional-level segregation, and then, inside a functional domain, having a second technical segregation.
I would name the model
package domain
instead. An it feels very strange to have classes named model in a controller package. These are models in the swing MVC architecture, not controllers.
Also, I hate putting anything in the root package. Why don't you put the properties file in a package, the same as the class whhose responsibility is to parse and hold the properties?
Your entities should have a singular name, not a plural name. This is probably the most important refactoring I see: an instance of Articles
is one article, so the class should be named Article
, not Articles
Finally, I see entities, I see presentation-related classes, but I don't see any service and data access layer. Data access should not be done in the presentation layer. That's not its responsibility. And you need a place where transactions are demarcated (preferrably in a declarative way): that should be the service layer. A dependency injection framework like Spring hugely helps here, and makes code easily testable.