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Creating actions and routes for tags and categories

I'm creating a blog for myself with Rails 3.2.5, and am trying to handle tags and categories properly. I want to allow the user to click on a link_to with the tag name that brings them to other entries with the same tag and have the URL be ''. For categories I'd like to have the same thing with the URL being ''. I've already started on this and am using acts_as_taggable_on for tagging and a simple text input for the category (will become a select input when I decide what categories I want).

How would I go about handling this? I've tried creating a controller for tags and categories, each with only an index action. For 'tags#index' I have:

@entries = Entry.order('created_at desc').tagged_with(params[:format]).paginate(:page => params[:page], :per_page => 10)

and for each tag's link I have:

= link_to tag, tag_path(tag)

For some reason the tag is being passed as the :format, that's why I've got tagged_with(params[:format]).

I have 'categories#index' defined as:

@entries = Entry.order('created_at desc').where(:category => params[:format]).paginate(:page => params[:page], :per_page => 10)

and the category's link is:

  - entry.tag_list.each do |tag|
    = link_to tag, tag_path(tag)

Since the tags and category are being passed as the :format the URL's are appearing as '' and ''.

How would I go about handling tags and categories properly to achieve getting the URL's to appear as '' and ''?


  • The below will probably do what you want:

    In your routes: match 'tag/:tag' => 'tags#index', :as => :tag

    Then, when someone visits, you can then access the tag within your controller through: params[:tag]

    you can link to your route by doing:

    link_to tag, tag_path(:tag => tag)

    An analogous solution should work for categories as well.