I've developed a Firefox extension that needs to be notified whenever there is a change in the browser window size.
I used gBrowser.addeventListener("resize",my_funcion,false);
in my .js file of extension.
But this will be notified very frequently when you change the browser window size by dragging. I require the final value of window parameter after resize is done, not during resize.
Which event should I register to do this?
Does the gBrowser.addeventListener("resize",
attach a resize listener to the window or the tabbrowser? I always thought gBrowser
was a shortcut to the tabbrowser element.
When I've had to listen to window resize events, a queue system seemed like the best option e.g.
var queue=0;
var chromeWinOuterHeight;
var timer = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/timer;1"].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsITimer);
function chromeWinResize(e){
else if(chromeWinOuterHeight !== e.target.outerHeight){
//do stuff
chromeWinOuterHeight = e.target.outerHeight;
}, 500, Components.interfaces.nsITimer.TYPE_ONE_SHOT);