I'm trying to draw a Venn diagram from a given boolean equation e.g (a AND b) AND c
I want to do this on an android phone so I need to find a way to do it using Java.
I found a perfect widget that does everything I am looking for in this Boolean Algebra Calculator
They create perfect diagrams, I am sure it's not using Java and neither could I see their logic.
I would appreciate any API, algorithm or guidance.
It uses a WolframAlpha widget to generate the Venn diagram. Luckily for you, WolframAlpha offers an API for this kinda stuff.
Though I'll admit, it's a bit overkill. And you have to be connected to the internet to use it.
There are Venn diagram drawing solutions for Java such as charts4j. But if you use those, you'll have to manually compute which regions are highlighted.