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make_pair like trick for noncopyable classes

make_pair can create pairs without mentioning the types. I want to use the same trick for my class, but it inherits from boost::noncopyable, so this does not compile:

template<class Iter>
struct bit_writer : boost:noncopyable
    Iter iter;
    bit_writer(Iter iter)
    : iter(iter)

template<class Iter>
bit_writer<Iter> make_bit_writer(Iter iter)
    return bit_writer<Iter>(iter);
vector<char> vec;
auto w = make_bit_writer(vec);

Any alternative? I tried making make_bit_writer a friend, and then run out of ideas.


  • If you have C++11 you can do this using something like:

    #include <functional>
    #include <utility>
    #include <type_traits>
    struct noncopyable_but_still_moveable {
      noncopyable_but_still_moveable(const noncopyable_but_still_moveable&) = delete;
      noncopyable_but_still_moveable(noncopyable_but_still_moveable&&) = default;
      noncopyable_but_still_moveable() = default;
      noncopyable_but_still_moveable& operator=(const noncopyable_but_still_moveable&) = default;
      noncopyable_but_still_moveable& operator=(noncopyable_but_still_moveable&&) = default;
    template <typename T>
    struct test : noncopyable_but_still_moveable {
      test(T) {}
      // the rest is irrelevant 
    template <typename T>
    test<T> make_test(T&& val) {
      return test<typename std::remove_reference<T>::type>(std::forward<T>(val));
    int main() {
      auto && w = make_test(0);

    Note that I've replaced boost::noncopyable with a type that has a deleted copy constructor. This is the C++11 way of making something non-copyable and is needed because the boost class was also not moveable. Of course you could just put that inside the class itself and not inherit any more.

    Without C++11 you'll want to use something like Boost move to emulate these semantics.