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How to extract chains from a PDB file?

I would like to extract chains from pdb files. I have a file named pdb.txt which contains pdb IDs as shown below. The first four characters represent PDB IDs and last character is the chain IDs.


I would like to 1) read the file line by line 2) download the atomic coordinates of each chain from the corresponding PDB files.
3) save the output to a folder.

I used the following script to extract chains. But this code prints only A chains from pdb files.

for i in 1B68 1BZ4 4FUT
wget -c ""$i -O $i.pdb
grep  ATOM $i.pdb | grep 'A' > $i\_A.pdb


  • The following BioPython code should suit your needs well.

    It uses PDB.Select to only select the desired chains (in your case, one chain) and PDBIO() to create a structure containing just the chain.

    import os
    from Bio import PDB
    class ChainSplitter:
        def __init__(self, out_dir=None):
            """ Create parsing and writing objects, specify output directory. """
            self.parser = PDB.PDBParser()
            self.writer = PDB.PDBIO()
            if out_dir is None:
                out_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "chain_PDBs")
            self.out_dir = out_dir
        def make_pdb(self, pdb_path, chain_letters, overwrite=False, struct=None):
            """ Create a new PDB file containing only the specified chains.
            Returns the path to the created file.
            :param pdb_path: full path to the crystal structure
            :param chain_letters: iterable of chain characters (case insensitive)
            :param overwrite: write over the output file if it exists
            chain_letters = [chain.upper() for chain in chain_letters]
            # Input/output files
            (pdb_dir, pdb_fn) = os.path.split(pdb_path)
            pdb_id = pdb_fn[3:7]
            out_name = "pdb%s_%s.ent" % (pdb_id, "".join(chain_letters))
            out_path = os.path.join(self.out_dir, out_name)
            print "OUT PATH:",out_path
            plural = "s" if (len(chain_letters) > 1) else ""  # for printing
            # Skip PDB generation if the file already exists
            if (not overwrite) and (os.path.isfile(out_path)):
                print("Chain%s %s of '%s' already extracted to '%s'." %
                        (plural, ", ".join(chain_letters), pdb_id, out_name))
                return out_path
            print("Extracting chain%s %s from %s..." % (plural,
                    ", ".join(chain_letters), pdb_fn))
            # Get structure, write new file with only given chains
            if struct is None:
                struct = self.parser.get_structure(pdb_id, pdb_path)
  , select=SelectChains(chain_letters))
            return out_path
    class SelectChains(PDB.Select):
        """ Only accept the specified chains when saving. """
        def __init__(self, chain_letters):
            self.chain_letters = chain_letters
        def accept_chain(self, chain):
            return (chain.get_id() in self.chain_letters)
    if __name__ == "__main__":
        """ Parses PDB id's desired chains, and creates new PDB structures. """
        import sys
        if not len(sys.argv) == 2:
            print "Usage: $ python %s 'pdb.txt'" % __file__
        pdb_textfn = sys.argv[1]
        pdbList = PDB.PDBList()
        splitter = ChainSplitter("/home/steve/chain_pdbs")  # Change me.
        with open(pdb_textfn) as pdb_textfile:
            for line in pdb_textfile:
                pdb_id = line[:4].lower()
                chain = line[4]
                pdb_fn = pdbList.retrieve_pdb_file(pdb_id)
                splitter.make_pdb(pdb_fn, chain)

    One final note: don't write your own parser for PDB files. The format specification is ugly (really ugly), and the amount of faulty PDB files out there is staggering. Use a tool like BioPython that will handle parsing for you!

    Furthermore, instead of using wget, you should use tools that interact with the PDB database for you. They take FTP connection limitations into account, the changing nature of the PDB database, and more. I should know - I updated Bio.PDBList to account for changes in the database. =)