Search code examples

navigate route with querystring

Will Backbone.Router.navigate set test to true:

var test = false;

var Router = Backbone.Router.extend({
  routes: {
    'posts': 'showPosts'
  showPosts: function () {
    test = true;

router = new Router();

router.navigate('posts?foo=3', {trigger: true});


Eg, will posts?foo=3 fragment will match the posts route by default, or do I have to set another route for that, for example: posts?*querystring?

Thank you

PS: I know there exist the backbone-query-parameters but I want to know just for backbone.


  • You need to add another route with that expecting parameter :

    routes: {
        'posts?foo=:foo' : 'showPosts',
        'posts': 'showPosts'
    showPosts: function (foo) {
        if(typeof foo != 'undefined'){
           // foo parameters was passed
        test = true;

    You could define the general route to return all the query string and then parse it in the handler :

    routes: {
       'posts': 'showPosts',
       'posts?*queryString' : 'showPosts'
    showPosts: function (queryString) {
        var params = parseQueryString(queryString);
            // foo parameters was passed
    // and the function that parses the query string can be something like : 
    function parseQueryString(queryString){
        var params = {};
                    var aux = el.split('='), o = {};
                    if(aux.length >= 1){
                        var val = undefined;
                        if(aux.length == 2)
                            val = aux[1];
                        o[aux[0]] = val;
                    return o;
        return params;

    update 2

    Here's a live demo to see the code in action.