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How to add javascripts to my InDesign Server Java web app?

I wrote a simple Java (1.5)-based web app (deployed on a Tomcat-6-server), which communicates with an InDesign server using CORBA.

After I managed to add job options (stored in separate files within the filesystem), I'd like to do the same for Javascript files, which already work fine in the InDesign client. Unluckily I was unable to identify how to "hook" the scripts into my CORBA application, just like I did with job options.

Unfortunately, the official docs do not tell me how to do this. Can anyone offer help?


  • After digging through tons of documentation,(non-existent ;) ) javadocs and the official and unofficial adobe forums, I found a solution by myself.

    The CORBA-application owns an undocumented method doScript(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4), which does indeed execute scripts. A code snippet like this executes javascript (and maybe other scripts just fine):

    String scriptPath = "/path/to/my/javascripts/"; // indesign server needs file access to this folder
    VariableType file = VariableTypeUtils.createFile(scriptPath);
    // ScriptLanguage.UNKNOWN - 1433299822
    // ScriptLanguage.APPLESCRIPT_LANGUAGE - 1095978087
    // ScriptLanguage.JAVASCRIPT - 1246973031
    // do javascript
    OptScriptLanguageEnum scriptType = OptArg.makeScriptLanguageEnum(1246973031);
    // add values ...
    VariableType[] params = new VariableType[1];
    params[0] = VariableTypeUtils.createBoolean(true);
    OptVariableTypeSeq args = OptArg.makeVariableTypeSeq(params);
    // or if you got no args
    args = OptArg.noVariableTypeSeq();
    // undo modes
    OptUndoModesEnum undoModes = OptArg.noUndoModesEnum();
    // string to undo mode
    OptString undoName = OptArg.noString();
    // add to application
    VariableType vt = gApp.doScript(file, scriptType, args, undoModes, undoName);

    Hope that anyone can confirm this. :)