demonstrates my problem. Notice that when you drag a box out of its parent and bring it back into the parent, then parent will accept the element. I need for the parent's droppable'ness to be disabled while the child is being dragged. Then I need the droppable'ness to be re-enabled after the child is dropped.
I tried using the start: and stop: methods for droppable, however, getting the correct element to disable/re-enable was tricky, kludgy, and didn't work anyway.
Here's an example of what I am attempting with the droppable handler:
$('<fieldset />',
id: login,
level: self.levelValue,
class: 'member ' + employeeClass,
hoverClass: 'hovered',
drop: function(event,ui) { /* removed */});
And my draggable:
containment: '#ttkanbanDiv',
cursor: 'crosshairs',
revert: true,
opacity: 0.4,
var id = $($($(ui).attr('srcElement'))
$('#' + id).removeClass('ui-droppable');
zindex: 'auto',
And the fix:
The specific code that makes it work (Thanks to Shoky in #jquery):
hoverClass: 'hovered',
accept: function(draggable) {
draggable = draggable[0];
var droppable = this;
return !$.contains(droppable, draggable);
drop: ...