In development I'm running guard with liveReload
. To make it run I had to add this lines to
require 'rack-livereload'
use Rack::LiveReload
before the line run Habrablog::Application
. Without these lines LiveReload
doesn't work for me.
The gems guard-livereload
and rack-livereload
are in the develpment group of Gemfile.
But when i'm pushing to heroku server i've got a message:
3.2.2/lib/active_support/dependencies.rb:251:in `require':
no such file to load -- rack-livereload (LoadError)
Obviously it's because of livereload
, how to eliminate the livereload
configuration from production?
I don't think you need to add anything to your file (that's just for Sinatra).
Neither of the gem install guides mention this for Rails, the rack-reload settings go in config/environments/development.rb