I am using selectInputDate component on a JSF Icefaces form as below.
<ice:selectInputDate id="toDateId"
renderMonthAsDropdown="true" renderYearAsDropdown="true"
onkeydown="checkDateMaxLen('myform:toDateId', 'Request To Date');searchOnEnterKeyPress(event)"
<f:convertDateTime timeZone="#{dateSelectBB.timeZone}"
dateStyle="short" />
<h:outputText value="(mm/dd/yy)" />
When I enter an invalid date e.g. "sdsdsds" and tab off to another field I get the error as 'myform:toDateId: 'sdsdsds' is an invalid date. '
How do I remove form and field id names from the message and show the error as below?
'sdsdsds' is an invalid date.
Implementation details: JSF 2.0, Icefaces 2.0.4
You need to put in your message bundle (messages.properties) something like this:
javax.faces.converter.DateTimeConverter.DATE_detail=Invalid date format.
to overwrite the JSF error messages.
More details you can see here: http://www.mkyong.com/jsf2/customize-validation-error-message-in-jsf-2-0/
Hope this helps! :)