I'm working on a legacy database that is complete non-sense. I have a table called movie that contains columns with names like c00, c01, c02 and so on. The table also uses non-standard primary_keys. So I've created a class called movie like this:
class Movie < ActiveRecord::Base
set_table_name "movie"
set_primary_key "idMovie"
belongs_to :media_file, :foreign_key => "idFile"
def title
def plot
I'd like to be able to do something like Movie.find_by_title("Die Hard") and have it return the right result. Also I'd like to be able to say Movie.create(:title => "Die Hard"). How do I do this?
You really just need a combination of Sarah's answer and Ben's answer:
class Movie < ActiveRecord::Base
# gives you Movie.find_by_title
# and lets you chain with other named scopes
named_scope :find_by_title, lambda { |title| { :conditions => { :c00 => title } } }
# gives you
# movie.title
# movie.title=(title)
# and
# Movie.new(:title => title)
alias_attribute :title, :c00