I have a sequence of stock ticks coming in and I want to take all the data in the last hour and do some processing on it. I am trying to achieve this with reactive extensions 2.0. I read on another post to use Interval but i think that is deprecated.
Would this extension method solve your problem?
public static IObservable<T[]> RollingBuffer<T>(
this IObservable<T> @this,
TimeSpan buffering)
return Observable.Create<T[]>(o =>
var list = new LinkedList<Timestamped<T>>();
return @this.Timestamp().Subscribe(tx =>
while (list.First.Value.Timestamp < DateTime.Now.Subtract(buffering))
o.OnNext(list.Select(tx2 => tx2.Value).ToArray());
}, ex => o.OnError(ex), () => o.OnCompleted());