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Error - Permission denied - jQuery Print Preview?

When I click "Print" using the jQuery Print Preview Plugin the following error pops up and Firebug:

Error: Permission denied to access property 'name'

     if (window.frames[i].name == "print-frame") { 

I am not sure exactly what it means or how to correct it.


  • There is a way around this that will solve this problem and work properly with all major browsers. This solution was found by Derick over on the Github page for jQuery Print Preview.

    Here is the solution, around line 44 you will see the following code:

    // The frame lives
            for (var i=0; i < window.frames.length; i++) {
                if (window.frames[i].name == "print-frame") {
                    var print_frame_ref = window.frames[i].document;

    Replace the above code with this:

    print_frame_ref = print_frame[0].contentWindow.document;

    issue solved.