I'm giving the user the opportunity to log in via OAuth and the Twitter JavaScript api and I would like to display all of the users tweets. I can't find an equivalent to Facebooks FB.api('/me/feed') in the documentation to @Anywhere.
@Anywhere propagates a logged in user object.
When the user is connected the currentUser property can be used to retrieve information about the logged-in user. The user object has a data method that can be passed a string representing the property to retrieve.
Here you can query for an ID which you can pass on to the REST API
<span id="twitter-connect-placeholder"></span>
<script type="text/javascript">
twttr.anywhere(function (T) {
var currentUser,
if (T.isConnected()) {
currentUser = T.currentUser;
screenName = currentUser.data('screen_name');
screen_name: screenName //pass @Anywhere screenname here
function (data) {
console.log(data.status); //get last tweet from the user