I have been messing around with the PE file structure in Assembly Language. I'm pretty sure I have gotten to the the Import Section correctly. I am using this as a reference where each box is equal to 4 bytes:
| RVA to a list of | DATE/TIME |
| pointer to APIs names | | IMPORT DATA DIRECTORY
+-------------------------+-------------------------+ #1
| .DLL address (unused) | RVA to .DLL name |
|RVA to API address list |
Ollydbg. Notice the value of eax on the right side (00402048) and then look at the value of the highlighted call instruction is jumping to(00402000).
I attempted to call the first first function from the (RVA to API address list) which is ExitProcess however when I tried issuing a call to the address, it caused my program to crash. When I debugged it with Ollydbg, I found out that the address when call ExitProcess was issued was different than the address I found in the list. In Ollydbg the address I found pointed to <&KERNEL32.ExitProcess> while the call ExitProcess pointed to < JMP.&KERNEL32.ExitProcess>. I have read somewhere about some kind of jmp stub. Is that what this is? How am I supposed to call the functions in the "RVA to API address list"?
I know this may be confusing. If you need more clarification let me know.
Here is the code:
extern printf
extern ExitProcess
global _start
section .code
mov eax, [imagebase]
mov esi, eax
add eax, 3ch
mov eax, DWORD [eax]
add eax, esi; PE header pointer in eax
add eax, 128; 24 for PE Optional Header offset and then 104 for import RVA
mov ebx, DWORD [eax]
add ebx, DWORD [imagebase]; ebx now has import section offset
mov eax, DWORD [ebx+16]
add eax, DWORD [imagebase]; has array offset
mov ecx, ExitProcess
push 0
call ecx
;call eax
;jmp ecx
;call ExitProcess
imagebase: db 0,0,64,0; 0x00400000; This is right
It seems as though I had found array but I never retrieved the value at that address. So I was trying to call the function at the address of the array not the at the first element of the array.
extern printf
extern ExitProcess
global _start
section .code
mov eax, [imagebase]
mov esi, eax
add eax, 3ch
mov eax, DWORD [eax]
add eax, esi; PE header pointer in eax
add eax, 128; 24 for PE Optional Header offset and then 104 for import RVA
mov ebx, DWORD [eax]
add ebx, DWORD [imagebase]; ebx now has import section offset
mov eax, DWORD [ebx+16]
add eax, DWORD [imagebase]; has array offset
mov eax, [eax];This is what I needed to do
push 0
call eax
imagebase: db 0,0,64,0;