I'm using Nyromodal and I need to have 2 submit buttons ("save", "save and add") in my form and depending on which button I click, my server should redirect me on the right page using the name
attribute of the <input type="submit" />
My problem is when I submit my form, the name attribute of submit's button and its value are not present in the $_POST
All works perfectly if I don't display my form with nyroModal.
with nyroModal :
array (size=1)
'form' =>
array (size=2)
'title' => string 'azerty' (length=5)
'date' => string '12/07/2012' (length=10)
without nyroModal :
array (size=2)
'form' =>
array (size=2)
'title' => string 'azerty' (length=30)
'date' => string '12/07/2012' (length=10)
'submit_button_name' => string 'OK' (length=7)
anyone have an idea how to do this with nyroModal
The solution is to place an <input type="hidden" name="" />
in the form and assign a value to the name
attribute when click on submit button.