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TSQL aggregate functions to populate temp tables

I want to run a T-SQL script where I create a temp table that will be aggregated by a certain field of another table, call it table X. The remaining fields of this temp table will be populated by performing aggregate functions on the fields of table X. Then I would like to do a MERGE / WHEN MATCHED with my temp table on a different table (call it table Y) after I have populated the temp table.

How do I create this temp table and populate it with aggregate functions? (I have already coded the MERGE part of the problem).


  • to create a temp table you will can do the following:

    create table #temp
        id int,
        col1 int

    then you will write an INSERT INTO

    INSERT INTO #temp
    SELECT col1, sum(col2)
    FROM yourTable

    Once you have created your temp table you can use it in your store procedure.