Thank in advance.
I am looking for message type or anything which is fast and easy way to return a String value in Java.
for example. I have a method
void getStringvalues(int a, int b){
int c = a + b;
And the above Method is called from Hessian php server.
So i have to send a message back to php from Java like an acknowledgement. which has to be a string. Is there any way to do that.
I can use Return, but java method is dealign with huge db and caluculations. And php's session will expire until i finish the whole process and send return type " ". at the end.
Or can i use return type in the beginning of the process ?
Thank again,
If I understand correctly, you want your Java method to return an intermediate result, and then continue. So you have two solutions:
Split the method in two parts, and call each submethod from the client:
intermediateResult = server.doFirstPart();
Make the method do the second part in a separate thread:
public String doEverything() {
String intermediateResult = ...;
Thread t = new Thread(...);
t.start(); // launch the thread to compute the rest asynchronously
return intermediateResult;