I am new in J2ME. In my Application, I have to store a large amount of data in Database and have to access it. But with the limitation of RMS in J2ME, I can't store large amount of data.
Is there any way to access database file from External Storage(SD card)?
I am partially agree with funkybro, i.e. you can not save your RMS in to SDCard.
You can also use Files to store your data. but should be last option.
Here i am suggesting you an another option, i.e. install your application on SD-Card and then user. This way your RMS will be created on Memory card, so no space issue will arise. But the problem you may face shall be if you are using this application on s40 Series device then your heap memory will be limited to 2MB. Your application may crash during execution. If you are using s60 series device, it will work fine.
I also want you to look at my this answer for more information.