This is my HTML structure.
<div id="dvHirearachy" class="MarginTB10">
<label>Hierarchy Names</label><br />
<input type="text" name="txtHierarchy" />
<a id="ancRemove" href="#">Remove</a>
</span><br />
<a id="ancNew" href="#">New Hierarchy Name</a>
On click of anchor tag "ancNew" , I am generating again the complete span tag above mentioned in the markup.
The problem is on click of textbox also the span structure is getting generated. Same problem i was facing on click of "ancRemove" for that i tried to stop the event bubbling, it has worked for this but not for the textbox.
my script.
$(document).ready(function () {
$("#ancRemove").click(function (e) {
RemoveHierarchy(this, e);
$("#ancNew").click(function (e) {
function generateNewHierarchy(e) {
if (window.event) {
var e = window.event;
e.cancelBubble = true;
} else {
var container = createElements('span', null);
$(container).append(createElements('input', 'text'));
$(container).append(createElements('a', null));
function createElements(elem,type) {
var newElem = document.createElement(elem);
if (type != null) {
newElem.type = "input"; = "txtHierarchy";
if (elem == "a") {
newElem.innerHTML = "Remove";
$(newElem).click(function (e) {
return newElem;
function RemoveHierarchy(crntElem, e) {
what is the way to avoid the situation.
Check this jsfiddle :
Issue is prepandTo statement, It is prepading the elements in #ancNew anchor tag, thats why all textbox and remove anchor, are propagating click event of #ancNew, and it is calling generateNewHierarchy() function.
Change in $(container).append("<br/>").prepandTo("#ancNew");
to $(container).append("<br/>").insertBefore("#ancNew");
function generateNewHierarchy(e) {
if (window.event) {
var e = window.event;
e.cancelBubble = true;
} else {
var container = createElements('span', null);
$(container).append(createElements('input', 'text'));
$(container).append(createElements('a', null));
and in createElements
if (elem == "a") {
newElem.innerHTML = "Remove";
$(newElem).attr("href","#").click(function (e) {