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google oauth2client in app engine

I'm writing a program that uses oauth2 library of google for some app in google-app-engine. When I run the server on my machine, it raises an IOError exception of this sort --

File "/home/deploy/Downloads/google_appengine/google/appengine/tools/", line 592, in __init__
raise IOError(errno.EACCES, 'file not accessible', filename)
IOError: [Errno 13] file not accessible: '/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/oauth2client-1.0c2-py2.7.egg'

I have that egg file in the directory it named. I installed it from the google-api-python project page. What am I doing wrong? I also noticed that most of the egg files in the directory also have a ....egg-info file. oauth2client-1.0c2-py2.7.egg-info file in not present. Does that cause the error?

If i open my python interpreter and try to open the file, it succeeds in opening it...


  • You must copy the oauth2client directory into the root directory of your project folder. App Engine requires all used packages to be included.