I have a vsixmanifest file that has an assembly attribute. The file looks like:
<Assembly AssemblyName="SolutionNameWizard, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=1c39bfcc-223f-4c12-a5dc-55eeca7c61f7">
I know that the assembly name and public key are correct.
Now, I am trying to use this assembly in one of my templates. Right now I have:
<Assembly>SolutionNameWizard, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=1c39bfcc-223f-4c12-a5dc-55eeca7c61f7</Assembly>
Is there something that I am missing? When I run the vsix I get the following error:
A problem was encountered creating the sub project 'test.Web' Error: this template
attemtped to load component assembly 'SolutionNameWizard, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=1c39bfcc-223f-4c12-a5dc-55eeca7c61f7'.
I know that templates require the assembly to be in the GAC, is that also the case when I am using vsix? I was hoping to avoid the GAC and still use my wizard.
EDIT: I changed the public key to the proper string as suggested in the answers, but am still having the issue.
Edit 2: in addition to the helpful answer below, here is a blog that I wrote after I finished this process. It links to a bunch of articles that I found to be very helpful: https://thebhwgroup.com/blog/2013/10/visual-studio-templates
If anyone else happens to stumble upon this question, I ended up following this guide: http://blog.tonysneed.com/2011/09/14/build-a-multi-project-visual-studio-template/
It made the process (mostly) very easy. If anyone happens to run into similar issues, feel free to contact me and I can try to share what I learned.
Edit: here is short blog article I wrote after completing this process. It might be helpful for someone who stumbles upon this: http://www.thebhwgroup.com/blog/2013/10/visual-studio-templates/