User fills input texts, presses the button Submit. The data sends to the server to be stored and result returned back. Fancybox window with result appears. My question is: how to display the result $res1 in the fancybox?
data:{ name:name, password:password},
success:function ()
var html='$res1 from the server should be here instead of this string';//var html=$res1.
content: html,//fancybox with content will be displayed on success resul of ajax
OK, still doesn't work (returns in the fancybox the whole page+ the word "hello" on top instead of the message "hello"). Below is my update regarding the answers below, that doesn't work properly:
$res1="hello";... // handle logic here
echo $res1; // print $res1 value. I want to display "hello" in the fancybox.
type: "POST",
url: "index/success",
async: false,
data: {
name: name,
password: password
success: function (html) {
content: html,//returns hello+page in the fancybox
//if I use the string below instead of the upper one, the fancybox shows "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later."
// content: console.log(html)
============= New update: Fixed!!! The problem was the data ( "hello" in the example above) was sent to the template in the framework, and template was displayed. That's why. Fixed. Thank you. Everybody.
Assuming you're using PHP:
... // handle logic here
echo $res1; // print $res1 value
type: "POST",
url: "index/success",
async: false,
data: {
name: name,
password: password
success: function (html) {
// given that you print $res1 in the backend file,
// html will contain $res1, so use var html to handle
// your fancybox operation
Enjoy and good luck!