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Extjs 3, Borderlayout didn't show the North

In the ExtJS 3, I create a panel like below, I set it to BorderLayout, but it will NOT show the north region, although it will show the center part.

Please help.

MyContainer = Ext.extend(Ext.Panel, {
    initComponent: function () {
        var period_start = new Ext.form.TextField({
            id: 'PERIOD_START',
            fieldLabel: 'PERIOD START',
            allowBlank: true,          
            width: 250
        var tmpPanel = new Ext.Panel();

        var period_start1 = new Ext.form.DateField({
            id: 'PERIOD_START1',
            fieldLabel: 'PERIOD START',
            allowBlank: true,
            width: 250
        var tmpPanel1 = new Ext.Panel();

        var config = {
            layout: 'border',
            items: [
                    region: 'north',
                    layout: 'fit',
                    minHeight: 150,
                    items: [tmpPanel]
                    region: 'center',
                    layout: 'fit',
                    items: [tmpPanel1]



  • you have to define a center region for your panel. this works for me very well (ExtJS 3.4):

                            var config = {
                                layout: 'border',
                                region: 'center',
                                items: [
                                        region: 'north',
                                        layout: 'fit',
                                        height: 150,
                                        minHeight: 150,
                                        items: [tmpPanel]
                                        region: 'center',
                                        layout: 'fit',
                                        height: 300,
                                        items: [tmpPanel1]

    if you need, this is the whole code:

     <div id="frontendlayout">
            <script type="text/javascript">
                    Test.MyContainer = Ext.extend(Ext.Panel, {
                        initComponent: function () {
                            var period_start = new Ext.form.TextField({
                                id: 'PERIOD_START',
                                fieldLabel: 'PERIOD START',
                                allowBlank: true,          
                                width: 250
                            var tmpPanel = new Ext.Panel();
                            var period_start1 = new Ext.form.DateField({
                                id: 'PERIOD_START1',
                                fieldLabel: 'PERIOD START',
                                allowBlank: true,
                                width: 250
                            var tmpPanel1 = new Ext.Panel();
                            var config = {
                                layout: 'border',
                                region: 'center',
                                items: [
                                        region: 'north',
                                        layout: 'fit',
                                        height: 150,
                                        minHeight: 150,
                                        items: [tmpPanel]
                                        region: 'center',
                                        layout: 'fit',
                                        height: 300,
                                        items: [tmpPanel1]
                            // config bestätigen
                            Ext.apply(this, Ext.apply(this.initialConfig, config));
                            Test.MyContainer.superclass.initComponent.apply(this, arguments);
                        onRender:function() {
                            Test.MyContainer.superclass.onRender.apply(this, arguments);
                    Ext.reg('test.mycontainer', Test.MyContainer);
                        var container = Ext.get("frontendlayout");
                        new Ext.Viewport({
                            renderTo: container,
                            layout: 'border',
                            items: [