I'm using Eclipse IDE on Ubuntu. My app offers encryption services and I want to integrate it into the client OS. My question is: Is there a way to put my app programmatically into the context menu (right-click options) of the file manager, irrespective of the file manager a person is using? I would also like to know if there is any way I could do this on Windows explorer as well. But my guess is that it involves adding values to the registry and can be easily achieved.
So, is there a general solution to adding context-menu support on linux file managers, and also please correct me if I'm wrong about doing it in the windows system.
Please inform me if the question is unclear.
If you target vanilla ubuntu, you can assume that the file manager is Gnome Nautilus. You can write an extension (probably in Vala/C/python) to nautilus :
Or you could re-use existing extensions, like nautilus-action or nautilus-script which allow you to bind scripts to contextual-menu entries.
If you want to support all file managers out there, you have to look at dolphin(for KDE), thunar(for xcfe), and maybe pcmanfm...
Edit : If you want to write your plugin in java, you might want to look at Gobject Introspection. Don't know if it works yet.