I was looking two metro applications where they're using a particular TextBlock style similar like a dialog.
The following snapshot was taken from TweetPro. Watch the textBlock style where says:
Te gustaria programar..?
This one is taken from Messaging applications, and watch the purple dialogs.
I'd like to implement this textblock style to my application, but I really have no much experience customizing controls. So, I'd need some of help to implement this textBlock dialog style! Thanks in advance!
Try this:
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" Width="200" Height="50">
<Path Data="M 17 0 L 0 0 17 10 Z" StrokeThickness="48" Fill="Red" Margin="0,10,0,0" />
<Border Background="Red" Padding="5" Width="200" Height="50" >
<TextBox BorderThickness="0" Background="Transparent" Text="Hello" Foreground="White" />