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Change column data type and format

When importing the excel to access 2007, some date field had become text field. so i want to run query in access to change those columns data type to datetime. How can i pass the date format ("dd-mmm-yyyy") in sql ?





  • If you have imported a column (field) from Excel and it has ended up in text format, you should be very wary of simply switching to a date time format. Access should already have interpreted the field as DateTime if it did not see it as mixed data type. You should create a new DateTime column and update it with the year month and day in an unambiguous format.

    Let us say your column is mm/dd/yyyy, one option would be:

    UPDATE Table SET NewDateTime = Right(DT,4) & "/" & Left(DT,2) & "/" & Mid(DT,4,2)
    WHERE DT Like "##/##/####"

    You cannot set the Format property with DDL and it is of no relevance outside MS Access. In general, I recommend that you do not use the Format property in tables, it is best controlled in forms and reports. Setting a format will inevitably confuse someone at some stage when a query does not work in the expected way.

    If you really must set a format, you must use VBA, DAO and the TableDef.

    Dim db As Database
    Dim tdf As TableDef
    Dim fld As DAO.Field
    Dim prp As Property
    Dim prpName As String
    Dim prpValue As String
    Dim prpType As Long
        Set db = CurrentDb
        Set tdf = db.TableDefs("Table1")
        Set fld = tdf.Fields("ADate")
        prpName = "Format"
        prpValue = "yyyy/mm/dd"
        prpType = dbText
        On Error Resume Next
        fld.Properties(prpName) = prpValue
        If Err.Number = 3270 Then
            Set prp = fld.CreateProperty(prpName, prpType, prpValue)
            fld.Properties.Append prp
        End If
        Debug.Print fld.Properties("Format")