I have a list of dictionaries (each dictionary representing 1 record of an SQL query) which I am trying to serialize as JSON. There are several datetime.date and datetime.datetime objects in these dictionaries which are proving difficult to serialize. Initially, the error message is:
TypeError: datetime.date(2012, 5, 23) is not JSON serializable
After adding a handler to the json.dumps call the error message is:
TypeError: date_handler() takes exactly 1 argument (2 given)
date_handler looks like this:
def date_handler(obj):
return obj.isoformat() if hasattr(obj, 'isoformat') else obj
I'm running this as part of a Trac plugin however I think this is just an isolated python issue but have no idea what to do to sort it - does anyone have any ideas?
I solved this by applying .isoformat()
fields that were dates or timestamps in the dictionary as I'm importing the data from a database and so know what the field types are beforehand, thanks for your help!