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How can I simplify my deserialization framework?

I have a Serialization interface which is designed to encapsulate the differences between XML/JSON/binary serialization for my application. It looks something like this:

interface Serialization {
    bool isObject();
    int opApply(int delegate(string member, Serialization value) del); //iterate object
    int toInt();   //this part is ugly, but without template member overloading, I
    long toLong(); //figure out any way to apply generics here, so all basic types
    ...            //have a toType primitive
    string toString();
class JSONSerialization : Serialization {
    private JSON json;
    long toLong() {
        enforce(json.type == JSON_TYPE.NUMBER, SerializationException.IncorrectType);
        return cast(long)json.toNumber();

So, what I then set up is a set of templates for registering type deserializers and calling them:

registerTypeDeserializer!Vec3(delegate Vec3(Serialization s) {
    return Vec3(s[0].toFloat, s[1].toFloat, s[2].toFloat);
auto v = parseJSON("some file").deserialize!Vec3;
registerTypeDeserializer!Light(delegate Light(Serialization s) {
    return new Light(s["intensity"].toFloat, s["position"].deserialize!Vec3);

This works well for structs and simple classes, and with the new parameter identifier tuple and parameter default value tuple I should even be able to add automatic deserializer generation. However, I don't really like the inconsistency between basic and user defined types, and more importantly, complex types have to rely on global state to acquire references:

static MaterialLibrary materials;
registerTypeDeserializer!Model(delegate Model(Serialization s) {
    return new Model(materials.borrow(s["material"].toString), ...);

That's where it really falls apart. Because I can't (without a proliferation of register deserializer functions) pass other parameters to the deserializer, I'm having difficulty avoiding ugly global factories. I've thought about eliminating the deserialize template, and requiring a deserialize function (which could accept multiple parameters) for each user defined type, but that seems like a lot of work for e.g. POD structs.

So, how can I simplify this design, and hopefully avoid tons of boilerplate deserializers, while still allowing me to inject object factories appropriately, instead of assigning them globally?


  • Basic types can be read using readf \ formattedRead, so you can create a wrapper function that uses this formattedRead it possible, otherwise it uses a static function from the desired type to read the value. Something like this:

    auto _readFrom(T)(string s){
        static if(__traits(compiles,(readf("",cast(T*)(null))))){
            T result;
            return result;
            return T.readFrom(s);