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Best way to get immutable objects that are also serializable

I use PHP 8.3.11 and Laravel 11.22.0, and I want to have immutable DTOs that are also serializable.

My best idea so far was this:

trait SerializePrivate
    public function jsonSerialize()
        $vars = get_object_vars($this);
        return $vars;

trait ImmutableAccess
    public function __get($key)
        return $this->$key;

class User
    use SerializePrivate, ImmutableAccess;

    protected int $id;
    protected string $name;
    protected string $surname;

    //public function __construct(...) {....}

This seemed like a good idea but it doesn't work. For some weird reason, when serializing the User DTO, no properties get serialized.

I have tried like this:

    public function getUser()
        // ...
        return response()->json($user);

...and like this:

    public function getUser()
        // ...
        return new UserResource($user);

class UserResource extends \Illuminate\Http\Resources\Json\JsonResource
     * Transform the resource into an array.
     * @return array<string, mixed>
    public function toArray(\Illuminate\Http\Request $request): array
        //dd($this->resource); // <---- This shows the properties.
        //dd(get_object_vars($this->resource)); // <---- This shows no properties.
        return get_object_vars($this->resource);

Any idea how to fix my existing solution or use a better alternative?


  • The User class needs to implement the JsonSerializable interface, the return type also needs to be declared as mixed:

    trait SerializePrivate
        public function jsonSerialize() : mixed
            return get_object_vars($this);
    class User implements \JsonSerializable
        use SerializePrivate, ImmutableAccess;
        protected int $id;
        protected string $name;
        protected string $surname;

    You can also use the new initializer with readonly properties since PHP 8.1, or use readonly class since PHP 8.2:

    # 8.1
    class User
        public function __construct(
            public readonly int $id,
            public readonly string $name,
            public readonly string $surname,
        ) {}
    # 8.2
    readonly class User
        public function __construct(
            public int $id,
            public string $name,
            public string $surname,
        ) {}