I'm using Sparklines and am trying to draw a simple blox plot with predetermined min, max, whiskers, quartiles, and one additional value -- the user's value that might fall within the quartile or outside (the whole point is to show the user where his/her value falls in the distribution)
What is the appropriate way to do this? I can get a basic box up but can't see how to lay a point on top of it. Also I can't see how to set min and max but it looks like the outliers sort of do this.
Here's my code:
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function() {
var myboxvalues = [0, 200, 450, 500, 550, 800, 1000];
$('.inlinebox').sparkline( myboxvalues, {type: 'box', raw: true });
My box: <span class="inlinebox"></span>
The flag is "target: ..."
{type: 'box', raw: true, target: 713 }