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Debug Breakpoint doesn´t work only in DataModule unit - Delphi

Debug breakpoint's works fine in all other 38 units of my system. But, in my DataModule, that have +- 10.000 lines, delphi disables then after I launch by F9/F8/F7. In any part of source that unit, even on obrigatory steps like OnCreate, SQLConnection.Active:=true, etc. Detail: works fine until +- 20 days ago. I'm using D7 and have all sources of components also. Thanks Felipe


  • I discovered this problem. It's a weird behavior in Delphi7 that limits the number of fields in interface class section, between: type TDM=class(TDataModule) and private section. I deleted some fields (DataSet Fields (+-40 fields)) and degub runs again. I add these fields again, and debug not runs. I'm sure that's a limit, because doesn't mather which component fields I deleted. I tried with several fields, from different tables too, adding, testing and deleting. It's a shame, but is true... Thanks for your help.