I'm using Formtastic with the Bootstrap formbuilder. I can't figure out how to add more than one inputs into a control group, as such:
The logical thing for me would be to do the following (I'm using HAML):
= f.inputs do
= f.input :city, :input_html=>{:class=>'input-small'}, :label=>false, :placeholder=>'City'
= f.input :state, :input_html=>{:class=>'input-small'}, :label=>false, :placeholder=>'State'
= f.input :zip, :input_html=>{:class=>'input-small'}, :label=>false, :placeholder=>'Zip'
But that simply groups the controls in a fieldset.
I don't see anything in the documentation for this, and Google hasn't helped much either. Can anybody help?
I ended up using the default Rails form builder for areas where I needed inputs next to each other.