Hi there i have define more than one tabItem in my TabControl. tabItem1, tabItem2, tabItem3
these are CloseableTabItem.
if i add a node in tabItem1 and press a button to make a subGraph model for this node. the
same node should be appear in tabItem2 so that tabItem2-Header = nodeName and nodeName =
Without (TabItem)tabControl.SelectedContent == tabItem1, the code work correct but the
Problem ist if i added a new node in tabItem2 and press the subGraph-Button node will be
added to tabItem3 but the nodeName = tabItem1-Header.
my Code throw an Exception "Unable to cast object of type 'System.Windows.Controls.Grid' to type 'System.Windows.Controls.TabItem'."
MyNodeData todata = new MyNodeData();
if (tabItem1.IsLoaded && (TabItem)tabControl.SelectedContent == tabItem1)
string childNodeName = (String)tabItem1.Header;
todata.Text = childNodeName;
if (tabItem2.IsLoaded)
string childNodeName = (String)tabItem2.Header;
todata.Text = childNodeName;
if (tabItem3.IsLoaded)
string childNodeName = (String)tabItem3.Header;
todata.Text = childNodeName;
is the content of the TabItem. What you want is SelectedItem