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How do I scrape data from a page that loads specific data after the main page load?

I have been using Ruby and Nokogiri to pull data from a URL similar to this one from the hollister website:

My script looks like this right now:

require 'rubygems'
require 'nokogiri'
require 'open-uri'

page = Nokogiri::HTML(open("")) 

puts page.css("h3[data-property=GLB_ORDERNUMBERSYMBOL]")[0].text

My problem is that the Hollister page has some sort of asynchronous loading of data, such that when my script checks the area of the page with order specific data for a page element, it doesn't exist yet. I.E., the <h3> with data-property=GBL_ORDERNUMBERSYMBOL doesn't yet exist, but in the browser if you let it load for another ten seconds, the DOM and HTML change to reflect the specific order details.

What is the best way to capture this data that loads after the fact? I have tried using the watir-webdriver, but not sure what I would need to do to make that one work either.


  • I am not sure how to do it with Open-URI, but if you want to use Watir-Webdriver, the following works.

    require 'watir-webdriver'
    b =
    puts b.h3(:class, 'order-num').when_present.text

    Note that a when_present() is performed on the h3 tag. What this means is that the script will wait for the h3 to appear before trying to get its text. If you know there are parts that take time to load, adding an explicit wait usually solves the problem.